The Toolbox for Private Practices to Learn, Grow and Flourish
Leaders from inside and outside of hearing care share their key lessons, strategies and “secrets” to help you to tackle change, get and keep patients, and become the most trusted clinic in your community.
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Recent Articles
The One Thing That Will Exponentially Improve Your Clinic’s Success
If there’s one thing you can do to exponentially improve your clinic’s success, it’s the thing that Oli shares within this article. It really is that simple.
Should You Take Business Advice from Manufacturer Reps?
Who you take advice from is a make-or-break business decision, so knowing who you can trust is everything. In this article, we’re going full “feather-ruffle” mode, as we discuss who you might not want to take all the advice from, and why…
How To Sell A Set Of Hearing Aids For $26,000!
If you’ve read that title and thought “wtf?” then you’re in the right place. This article is a real thought-provoker, and one that will be particularly appreciated and enjoyed by the more, shall we say, ‘discerning’ private practice owner.
This Clinic Receives 20 Times More Traffic than the Average Clinic, but There’s More to the Story…
Quality over quantity – it really is the secret source of success. In this article, we look at how one simple change to your website can make all the difference and in turn, help you attract the right kind of people to your clinic instead of the wrong ones.
Struggling to Identify the Next Steps: The Most Powerful Question to Ask Yourself
As business owners, we all have a huge flaw. So big in fact, it creates a mist around seeing obvious things clearly. This article will help with this.
David vs. Goliath | Four Competitive Advantages That You Can Flex against Manufacturer Owned Chains
In this article, I’m going to share four things that you can do to protect your future as an independent clinic, proving bigger doesn’t always mean better…
Why You Should STOP Selling Hearing Aids Immediately
This article has been created to alert you of the real changes that are happening in the hearing care industry right now. By doing so, you’ll then understand why selling hearing aids is not a smart move, and what to do instead…
How to Find $100,000 Hidden in Plain Sight (Within Your Clinic)
In this Article, I’ll share the two key places within your clinic where you can start collecting extra dollars…and the best bit? Neither of them relies on you bringing in more patients.
Three Ways to Attract Younger Patients into Your Clinic
In this Article Oli identifies the three key ways you can attract younger patients to your clinic. Simple, smart, and total common sense, you’ll be annoyed you didn’t put them into practice sooner.
The 5 Stages of Awareness: How to Reach More People with Your Marketing Efforts
In this Article, you’ll learn all about the ‘5 stages of awareness’ and how you can implement them within your own clinic to maximize all marketing efforts going forward.
[RANT] The 3 Marketing Tricks to Warn Your Patients About (That Are Deployed by Slimy & Shi**y Clinics)
In this Article, Oli calls out a bad marketing practise within the hearing care industry and exposes three shi**y things slimy clinics are doing right now, and why they must stop.
The Magic of Removing Your Rose Tinted Glasses
In this Article, Oli shares his outsider observations and takes a look at two ways that are seen as somewhat normal within the hearing healthcare industry, but when you think about them, they can be counterintuitive to increasing your profits as a hearing healthcare business.
Guest Articles
How To Effectively Manage A Heavy Workload And Seamlessly Deliver Results – Kelsi Mangrem
Dr. Kelsi Mangrem, licensed audiologist and full-time mom, is a renowned hearing care expert in Texas. She has gained trust from many others in the region, including physicians that turn to her for help, and is a perfect example of the dedication that is needed to build a thriving clinic. However...
The 3 Most Dreaded Questions in Hearing Health Counseling
I often get asked the question, “How have y’all (yes, we say y’all a lot) been able to grow your practice recently, given the current climate of the hearing health profession?” Maybe I’m paraphrasing a bit, but I’m sure you get the idea.
Revealed: The Biggest Google Keyword Opportunity In Hearing Care (That Everybody Else Is Missing!)
If you speak to clinics or even marketing companies that ironically sell SEO services, then they’ll tell you that being number one on Google for this search term is the most important part of your digital marketing strategy. But it's simply untrue. All you have to do is look at the data.
10 Tips for Maximizing Your LinkedIn Professional Branding That Hearing Care Professionals Need to Know Now
There is a misconception floating around that LinkedIn is just a place to frequent if you are looking for a new job. That is not the case anymore. LinkedIn is a great place to networking and share your knowledge and ideas.
Change The People, Or Change The People – Our Role In People Development
One of the first lessons I was ever taught when taking over the family business was to stay humble. Because of that, I can admit I’ve made many mistakes in running a hearing clinic. What makes me proud is that I can honestly say I’ve worked hard to learn from each one and grow because of it.
Understanding and Building KPI’s Into Your Clinic, with Chris Arnold
When I first started in the hearing industry, I joined my father who was very set in his ways when it came to anything involving the business. Everything was kept in various notebooks, all written in pencil.
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Top Podcasts
Episode 133 – The Marketing Lessons That You Can Borrow from Prime Hydration
Every Industry can be broken into three segments, Mass, Niche & Luxury. In this episode you can learn how to cater to all three.
Episode 132 – How This Husband & Wife Team Have Built an Incredible Practice
Every Industry can be broken into three segments, Mass, Niche & Luxury. In this episode you can learn how to cater to all three.
Episode 131 – 5 Ways to Use ChatGPT (Artificial Intelligence) In Your Practice #2
Every Industry can be broken into three segments, Mass, Niche & Luxury. In this episode you can learn how to cater to all three.
Free (No Opt-In) PDF Download:
23 of The Best (and Most Original) Ideas Implemented by Private Practice Hearing Care Clinics in 2023
📈 A clinic that has launched a premium monthly subscription program that includes community perks, benefits and annual upgrades (yes, ANNUAL upgrades) ... yet earns them industry-high margins!
📹 How one clinic has bought themselves 6+ hours back on the schedule each week by implementing a series of helpful patient videos (that is also winning them patients from competitors
🔎 How two clinics have built industry-first programs to attract existing hearing aid wearers that are either unsatisfied with their existing provider, or new to the area (and turn this into a profit-center for their business)