Meet Joey Coleman
Joey Coleman's best-selling book - ‘Never Lose a Customer Again’ - should be on every business owners bookshelf. He consults with brands such as Google, Zappos, Microsoft and Volkswagen to help them to keep more of their customers.
With the hearing care industry being so obsessed with NEW patients, the biggest opportunities are often in your existing patients. Joey shared the importance of the first 100 days of a customer journey (including the 8 steps to win customers for life).
Introducing "Never Lose A Customer Again"
"Never Lose A Customer Again" is designed to help you learn a simple, eight-phase methodology that will help you identify your customers’ emotional needs, guarantee their desired outcomes, and turn passive customers into raving fans.
For almost 20 years Joey has helped companies keep their customers. Now he wants to help you do the same.
Filled with forty-six case studies ranging from solopreneurs to global juggernauts, learn specific tools and strategies you can apply to your practice to create remarkable customer experiences and keep your customers coming back for more.