Show Notes
Let’s face facts: the hearing care industry has a bit of a trust problem, but that’s not because you and your peers are personally untrustworthy.
It’s more to do with how people perceive the value they receive for what they paid for it.
However, what if there are some things that you are doing that’s contributing to this trust issue?
What if your pricing plans aren’t clear, or your ‘life-time service’ promise is flaky – could these be trust issues you’re willing to acknowledge and do something about?
If so, then great, as we’re about to share exactly how you can both identify them and change them for the better.
In this episode, we dissect the key points from Phil’s Book club interview with David Horsager, (author of Trusted Leader), and share the 8 pillars of trust that can actionably be implemented into your private practice helping you gain trust and keep it.
Find out more about how “Inner Circle” members are transforming their hearing care practice with the help of the Orange & Gray team.