merketing red flags with dusty potter and oli luke

Episode 114
Don’t Ignore The Red Flags With Dusty Potter.

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A red flag is used to indicate danger or as a sign that you should stop ✋🏻🛑

Well in marketing terms when you see a red flag, you shouldn’t just stop, you should run in the opposite direction 🏃🏽‍♂️💨

Dusty Potter is a renowned figure in the hearing care world, he’s the owner, developer, and founder of AmplifyOMS!

With previous experience at Hearing Aid Express as a president and CEO, his expertise around providing office management solutions, digital marketing and automation is vast, so you can be sure that he has far more experience than most when it comes to explaining the do’s and don’ts of marketing for your practice.

Today we’re going to be diving into the pros and cons of the various options available to you in terms of marketing for your practice. Some are just clear NOPES, but some sound great because they’re free!

Nothing is free in this world so what’s the catch? 🤔

Lots of details to uncover…

Enjoy. 🚩

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If you want to learn more about the Inner Circle to discover how 60+ clinics are setting benchmarks of excellence in private practice, benefiting from a mastermind of North America’s most successful practice owners, and having an industry-leading marketing team driving gold-standard implementation, then visit

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Free (No Opt-In) PDF Download:
23 of The Best (and Most Original) Ideas Implemented by Private Practice Hearing Care Clinics in 2023


📈 A clinic that has launched a premium monthly subscription program that includes community perks, benefits and annual upgrades (yes, ANNUAL upgrades) ... yet earns them industry-high margins!

📹 How one clinic has bought themselves 6+ hours back on the schedule each week by implementing a series of helpful patient videos (that is also winning them patients from competitors

🔎 How two clinics have built industry-first programs to attract existing hearing aid wearers that are either unsatisfied with their existing provider, or new to the area (and turn this into a profit-center for their business)

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