Episode 2
How to Build The Ultimate VIP Experience for Patients with Dr Julie Hubik

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Julie Hubik’s Story – How Creative and Consistent Communication Make an Unbeatable Combination For Success

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Show Notes

There are two types of people in the hearing care industry – business owners and entrepreneurs. This episode’s guest epitomizes the latter, having adapted and thrived through challenges and changes.

Having been intrigued by hearing loss since an early age, Dr. Julie Hubik has wanted to help people connect ever since and had a hunger to see if she could make it on her own setting up her own practice.

Cornerstone Audiology was born out of challenging circumstances and flew from the start due to this and has gone from strength to strength ever since.

In this episode, Oli interviews Julie to get a real insight into how she’s made her practice a success by creating premium patient experiences.


“I always had this kind of a hunger I guess to see if I could do it on my own and be able to really implement some of the things that I wanted to do on my own that I couldn’t do working for a surgeon.”

“I really think that Cornerstone took a running start just because we were – I don’t wanna say destitute, but we didn’t have a whole lot sitting in the bank.”

“The most important thing for me in starting a practice was that we took excellent care of our patients.”

“We wanted to offer an experience to them where it could really take the edge off that frustration.”

“No matter what you’re doing, go all out.”

“We really need to do a better job of educating employers about a simple hearing screening that they could provide that we could do for free for patients in their organization to see if there’s a hearing loss or not.”


Learn more or connect with Julie

Find out more about how “Inner Circle” members are transforming their hearing care practice with the help of the Orange & Gray team.

Listen To More:

Free (No Opt-In) PDF Download:
23 of The Best (and Most Original) Ideas Implemented by Private Practice Hearing Care Clinics in 2023


📈 A clinic that has launched a premium monthly subscription program that includes community perks, benefits and annual upgrades (yes, ANNUAL upgrades) ... yet earns them industry-high margins!

📹 How one clinic has bought themselves 6+ hours back on the schedule each week by implementing a series of helpful patient videos (that is also winning them patients from competitors

🔎 How two clinics have built industry-first programs to attract existing hearing aid wearers that are either unsatisfied with their existing provider, or new to the area (and turn this into a profit-center for their business)

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