Episode 8
How The Hearing Care Industry Can Create Powerful Content with Melanie Deziel

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Melanie Deziel’s Advice on How The Hearing Care Industry Can Create Powerful Content

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Show Notes

As one of the finest minds in content creation, Melanie Deziel knows the power of effective storytelling.

With a couple of journalism degrees in her back pocket, she founded the Huffington Post’s Partner Studio, before heading up the New York Times’ branded content strategy.

Later, as an Expert in Residence at Gary Vaynerchuk’s BRaVe Ventures, she assisted companies like Viacom, Turner, Discovery Communications, and the Oprah Winfrey Network.

The secret to this success? The ability to tell persuasive, human narratives – combining precise facts with a clear message.

In this ‘Expert Interview’ – Melanie talked to Phil about how hearing practitioners can identify unique angles and content ideas for their clients.


“One of the easiest ways to create content that you know your audience is gonna care about is to create content that answers their questions.”

“I think a quiz is a really good way to test someone’s knowledge and it also gives you the invitation of if and when they get something wrong because they do have a misconception or they believe one of these myths, that’s your invitation to follow up with very specific content that helps correct that.”

“Oftentimes it’s really, really compelling to see either an actual customer or a qualified expert just have casual, not over-produced, not scripted. Just have a conversation.”

“Instead of thinking format first, really think what’s the story I want to tell? What am I trying to help my audience achieve?”

“Our audience is human. You know we think of them as targets or as avatars, but they’re people.”

Visit Melanie’s website

Buy Melanie’s book

If you’d like to read the full highlights, check out this article
You can also check out the author and their book here

Find out more about how “Inner Circle” members are transforming their hearing care practice with the help of the Orange & Gray team.

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