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Episode 51
Why Google’s New Algorithm Change Is Excellent News For Hearing Care Leaders

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accompanying article to podcast

Demystifying SEO With Google’s New Algorithm Update | Why Google Is Finally Rewarding Expertise And The Big Opportunity For Hearing Care Leaders

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Show Notes

There’s so much confusion surrounding SEO, and as the leader of your private pratice and therefore the person in charge of marketing, you’ve probably found yourself scratching your head over it a few times. 

(I don’t blame you, it’s a minefield, totally exacerbated by cowboys lying to your face saying they can “get you number #1 on Google”. #bullsh**t)

But if that really is you and you just want to be told it straight, then this episode is going to be music to your ears, as i’m here to:

  1. Demystify SEO in the most simplest way
  2. Share some excellent news regarding Google’s new algorithm change that could be monumental for your business
  3. Give you pratical and really easy ways to make the most of this new algorithm change

In order to get the best out of this episode, you’d be wise to check out the accompanying article too.

I’ll say no more. This is a good one. 

Find out more about how “Inner Circle” members are transforming their hearing care practice with the help of the Orange & Gray team.

Listen To More:

Free (No Opt-In) PDF Download:
23 of The Best (and Most Original) Ideas Implemented by Private Practice Hearing Care Clinics in 2023


📈 A clinic that has launched a premium monthly subscription program that includes community perks, benefits and annual upgrades (yes, ANNUAL upgrades) ... yet earns them industry-high margins!

📹 How one clinic has bought themselves 6+ hours back on the schedule each week by implementing a series of helpful patient videos (that is also winning them patients from competitors

🔎 How two clinics have built industry-first programs to attract existing hearing aid wearers that are either unsatisfied with their existing provider, or new to the area (and turn this into a profit-center for their business)

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