There’s a myth that exists within the hearing care industry that is preventing hearing care professionals from growing their clinic…
…and you’re not going to like what it is…
Because, it’s the myth that in order to be a successful business owner you need to be a great hearing care professional.
And. It’s. Simply. Not. True.
Now, for obvious trolling reasons, it goes without saying that i’m not suggesting you should be a terrible hearing care professional, but what I am saying is, it’s not all about how many initials you have after your name.
In this episode, i’m going to share with you the one and only way you can grow your clinic, and, after 10 minutes of listening to it from start to finish, it’ll be then up to you whether you agree with me or not.
Find out more about how “Inner Circle” members are transforming their hearing care practice with the help of the Orange & Gray team.