Here’s the truth: the recruitment industry for hearing care clinics has changed. It’s tougher than ever to get the right people, which means, doing what you can to stand out and be the clinic people want to work in is crucial to achieving hiring success…here’s how it’s done…
There’s a Diversity Problem in Private Practice Hearing Care
Firstly, this is a topic that is somewhat uncomfortable to talk about, and personally, I feel it would be much easier to not publish this article. However, I’m struggling to stand by and watch as this significant diversity issue continues, as I can only believe that it’s unintentional. Secondly…
The High-Performing Website Check-List: The 5 Critical Components That Your Website Needs To Attract, Convince And Convert In A 2023 World
In this article, you’re going to get a full breakdown of all the critical components that your website requires to be successful in today’s world, and it’s going to arm you with the tools to review your existing website and make simple changes to improve it overall performance.
The Reality Of Owning A Private Practice: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly
In this accompanying article to Nancy Duncan’s ‘Under The Hood’ podcast with Dr. Tracy Board, we extract the 6 biggest lessons on how to achieve a high-performing private practice that Dr Nancy and Dr Tracy discussed.
How To Develop & Build Your Clinic’s Unique Marketing Strategy
In this article, I’m going to share a step-by-step walkthrough so you can get crystal clear on your marketing strategy so that you can make better decisions and invest your time, effort, and money into the right areas to accelerate growth.
How To Build A High-Performing Patient Referral Program [complete with templates & tools]
The hearing care industry is somewhat incestuous. Nearly every idea, every mailer, and every marketing campaign is swiped from each other, with many of the ideas always coming from within. With that in mind, we’re going to look at three obscure industries and review some of the biggest lessons that we can ethically “steal” from them and apply to our private practice hearing care.
The Holy Grail Of Localized Google Traffic That Nobody Is Focusing On
Since forever, the holy grail of private practice marketing has been to ‘reach number 1 on google with the search term “buy hearing aids”, however, we can now officially say that that is total and utter BS, and, in actual fact, the real holy grail is something completely unexpected…
How To Win Friends And Influence Patients (In A Non-Sleazy Way)
The hearing care industry is somewhat incestuous. Nearly every idea, every mailer, and every marketing campaign is swiped from each other, with many of the ideas always coming from within. With that in mind, we’re going to look at three obscure industries and review some of the biggest lessons that we can ethically “steal” from them and apply to our private practice hearing care.
Three Obscure Industries That You Can “Ethically Steal” Ideas From To Apply To Your Private Practice Hearing Care Clinic
The hearing care industry is somewhat incestuous. Nearly every idea, every mailer, and every marketing campaign is swiped from each other, with many of the ideas always coming from within. With that in mind, we’re going to look at three obscure industries and review some of the biggest lessons that we can ethically “steal” from them and apply to our private practice hearing care.
The Four Secrets To Achieving High-Performing Success In Your Private Practice As Discussed By Doctors Of Audiology, Nancy Duncan & Julie Hubik
In this accompanying article to Nancy Duncan’s ‘Under The Hood’ podcast, we extract the 4 biggest lessons on how to achieve a high-performing private practice that Dr Nancy and Dr Julie discussed.
Demystifying SEO With Google’s New Algorithm Update | Why Google Is Finally Rewarding Expertise And The Big Opportunity For Hearing Care Leaders
This article is dedicated to talking SEO, and what Google’s algorithm change means for your clinic, your website and your SEO. Plus, I’ll share the immediate actions you should take to start improving your SEO.
The Three Lessons From Disney That You Can Practically Apply To Your Private Practice Hearing Care Clinic
Disney is the master of magical experiences, especially when it comes to customer service. In this article, we reveal the 3 secrets for how they achieve this and apply them directly to your private practice.
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23 of The Best (and Most Original) Ideas Implemented by Private Practice Hearing Care Clinics in 2023
📈 A clinic that has launched a premium monthly subscription program that includes community perks, benefits and annual upgrades (yes, ANNUAL upgrades) ... yet earns them industry-high margins!
📹 How one clinic has bought themselves 6+ hours back on the schedule each week by implementing a series of helpful patient videos (that is also winning them patients from competitors
🔎 How two clinics have built industry-first programs to attract existing hearing aid wearers that are either unsatisfied with their existing provider, or new to the area (and turn this into a profit-center for their business)